Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Creativity in cartoon channels...

How things can be made simple and easy, I got to understand today. Actuall my neighbours kid was watching POGO channel and I happened to be ther in his house that time. This is the program call "Mad". It is really very intresting wher a host of art activities are introduced to the kids in a playful and funny way. Not just POGO but almost all cartoon channels have a program like this, i was told by my lil friend. How intresting... there is always something to learn, even from kids!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Who is a UX Designer

Been quite some time since I last visited my blog. Wanted to write about a very interesting discussion over the HCI-IDC group mails. The topic was about the very identity of designers. Who is a UX designer and what is his/her exact profile? Interaction design, visual interface design, information design, usability analyst, IA, emerging tech design are different roles of a UX dessigner. As Mr.Dinesh Katre rightly put it, to claim oneself as a UX designer and not having your fundas right will be over claiming and under performing. A designer according to me should be conversant with at least all the basics and specialize in a couple of UX concepts. Today people who choose this field is luckier that they have these specialized subjects offered at their graduation levels. This gives them more confidence about the subject when they enter the industry. Rather people like me learnt in the process of experience and on a larger scale on requirement basis of projects we worked in. Learning is a ongoing process and one way or other you get into it if you have interest in the subject and wish to improve.

Workshop for Educators

The AD & BC of Classroom Management and Creative Learning

Education is the responsibility of Every Individual - My Belief   “ THE AD & BC OF CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT AND CREATIVE LEARNING” ...